Geornay Zaumseil

Costa Mesa, CA

Geornay Zaumseil comes from a background in sports on both the agency and team side, since graduating from Loyola Marymount University in 2018. Also, she has received a Masters degree in Sports Management from Cal State University of Long Beach. Before her time with The Brand Amp, Geornay worked as a sales coordinator for the Los Angeles Rams and Chargers for SoFi Stadium. She then transitioned to the talent management side where she worked with notable talent in the WNBA, Broadcasting, NWSL, and Influencer space. Some standouts she has worked with were Lisa Leslie, Chiney Ogwumike, and Crystal Dunn. Geornay’s background allows for her to have a unique perspective when working with influencer talent and her previous experience and love of the industry helps to bring the influencer campaigns to life. Outside of work, Geornay enjoys spending time with her husband and family, traveling internationally, grabbing dinner with friends, and binge-watching reality TV.

First car…


Your favorite all time vacation…

My honeymoon to St. Lucia and we stayed at the Jade Mountain Resort. The 2,000 sq. ft. room didn’t have a third wall with an amazing view of St. Lucia’s Pitons and complete with an infinity pool.

Favorite sports teams…

Los Angeles Lakers and Los Angeles Rams.

Morning or afternoon coffee…
