Kim Ramos

Costa Mesa, CA

Kim is a proud Latina and SoCal native public relations pro with experience in long-lasting media relations and communication. She loves connecting with people, overcoming challenges, and any opportunity to learn something new. Her portfolio touts her experience in areas like entertainment and culture, tech, lifestyle, consumer goods, sports, events, and more! She has successfully garnered media coverage for her clients (both English and Spanish) in an array of broadcast, online, and print placements within national, regional, and local publications. Kim loves traveling and has backpacked Thailand and Colombia while also spending time in Costa Rica and Mexico. In her spare time, Kim enjoys spending most of her time with her two adorable sons, chasing sunsets, hanging with her fur babies, eating good food, and reading.

Your happy place...

Somewhere on a beach with an agua fresca…or a spicy margarita.

Best TV series of all-time...


Favorite time of the year...

Summertime and Holiday time.

Coolest travel experience...

Hmm, I think each experience was extremely special in its own way. Top 3 would be: 1) Thailand – Volunteered at an elephant sanctuary in Phuket and helped bathe formerly captured elephants. 2) Costa Rica – Trekked the Cloud Forest at night and learned more about the animals that animate it. 3) Colombia – Visited the Salt Cathedral, a monumental architectural masterpiece.