Ashley Lew

Costa Mesa, CA

Ashley is a member of the Social Media team, known for her passion for crafting engaging digital content and building vibrant online communities. With a rich background as a former influencer, she brings valuable insights into social media trends, especially as someone who has grown up in the digital age. Fun Fact, Ashley played a role in the launch campaign for Instagram Reels, formerly known as IGTV, back in 2018. Her deep understanding of social media, combined with her creative flair, makes her a valuable asset in driving innovative and engaging content strategies across platforms. When she’s not working, Ashley loves spending time with her family and her dog Logan. On weekends, she enjoys hiking, going to the beach, and hanging out with friends!

Your favorite all-time vacation…

Greece, it felt like we were living in a movie!

Favorite TV show…

Gilmore Girls or Grey’s Anatomy.

Morning or afternoon coffee…

In the morning, an iced honey almond milk latte is my fave!

Superpower you wish you had…

Teleporting would be so cool.